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Confucius China Studies Program | Ph.D. & Research Opportunities

Confucius China Studies Program Scholarship for international students nichetochina

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The Confucius China Studies Program (CCSP) is sponsored by the Confucius Institute Headquarters (Hanban). It aims to enhance understanding and appreciation of Chinese culture globally by supporting international scholars in their China-related studies and research.

Who Can Apply to CCSP

The program is designed for doctoral students and scholars from outside China. Specific fellowships cater to different stages and aspects of academic careers:

  • Joint Research Ph.D. Fellowship: For students enrolled in a Ph.D. program at a foreign institution.
  • D. in China Fellowship: For students wishing to pursue their entire Ph.D. in China.

Eligibility For CCSP

Applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Be a non-Chinese citizen.
  • Be in good health.
  • Hold a master’s degree (for the Ph.D. in China Fellowship) or be enrolled in a doctoral program (for the Joint Research Ph.D. Fellowship).
  • Have a research proposal related to China studies.

For detailed eligibility criteria, visit the Confucius China Studies Program Eligibility Page.

Application Document Required For CCSP

Your application will be submitted online through the Embark application program. The following items must be uploaded to the online application system for your application to be complete:

  1. Completed application form.
  2. Copy of passport
  3. Academic Transcripts:
    1. Unofficial copies of transcripts from all degree-granting institutions (undergraduate + graduate) in English or accompanied by an official English translation, uploaded to the Embark application.
    2. Hard-copies of official transcripts from all degree-granting institutions mailed to the IIE office in New York. Transcripts must be received by the application deadline.
  4. GRE Scores:A copy of your GRE score (if taken for admission to your home university), unless indicated on your graduate school transcript.
  5. Letter of Invitation:A letter from your prospective first-choice host university inviting you to apply to conduct research under the fellowship.
  6. Proof of Chinese or English language proficiency: HSK Scores
    1. Required for the Ph.D. in China Fellowship (minimum score of 5, higher scores for certain universities like PKU).
    2. Optional for the Research Ph.D. Fellowship (recommended score of 3).
  7. Study/Research Objectives or Doctoral Research Statement
  • Submit an essay (max 1,000 words) detailing your research plan.
  • Specify the fellowship you are applying for and the proposed start and end period (for the Research Ph.D. Fellowship).
  • Include your research objectives and a detailed explanation of the feasibility of your project.
  1. Personal Statement:Submit a statement (max 1,000 words) about your personal background and goals.
  2. Resume/CV:Ensure your CV includes a list of your publications.
  3. Two recommendation letters.
  4. Ph.D. in China Fellowship: Abstract of your Master’s Thesis

Application Process to CCSP

Choose a Fellowship: Determine whether you are applying for the Joint Research Ph.D. Fellowship or the Ph.D. in China Fellowship.

Prepare Documents: Collect required documents such as a research proposal, academic transcripts, recommendation letters, and proof of language proficiency.

Complete Online Application: Fill out the application form on the official CCSP application page.

Submit Application: Ensure all documents are submitted before the deadline.

Scholarship Benefits of CCSP

Recipients of the CCSP fellowship receive:

  • 80,000 RMB annual living stipend
  • 20,000 RMB annual research stipend
  • Insurance
  • Host university tuition
  • Airfare coverage to and from China
  • Coverage of costs associated with the Pre-Departure Orientation at IIE’s headquarters in New York during the summer prior to departure for China
  • Financial support for a research visit to China by recipient’s home university adviser (Research Ph.D. Fellowship only)


The application deadline typically falls in April each year. Exact dates can be found on the official website.

Accepted Universities to Confucius China Studies Program (CCSP) 

The Confucius China Studies Program collaborates with many prestigious Chinese universities, Here is the participating universities list given below.

  • Beijing Foreign Studies University
  • Beijing Language and Culture University
  • Beijing Normal University
  • East China Normal University
  • Fudan University
  • Jilin University
  • Nanjing University
  • Nankai University
  • Peking University
  • Renmin University of China
  • Shandong University
  • Sichuan University
  • Sun Yat-sen University
  • Wuhan University
  • Xiamen University

For application  Confucius China Studies Program Scholarship please refer to the IIE’s official program page.

The Confucius China Studies Program offers an excellent opportunity for international students to delve into Chinese culture and conduct meaningful research. To maximize your chances of success: Start your application early to gather all necessary documents, Develop a strong, focused research proposal, Seek strong letters of recommendation from academic mentors, Ensure your application is thoroughly reviewed before submission.

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